Saturday, January 23, 2010
hello.. peepos sry this few days busy with work. now currently working at California fitness at somerset there. not a tough job cause mostly is stand there and greet ppls and afew paperwork la. hahahaha
damn it siol... everyday wake up got sore throat T__T kns.. plus there is afew things i wanna complete before i become a "1 eye jack" or maybe... here is alittle story of wad happen
last month my right eye vision suddenly blur even though i wore my spect.. often my right eye bleed alittle after that i went to the doctor opposite my house he gave me a eye check and an eye drop, he told me that my right eye is going colour blind.. i ask him why. he tell me he also not very sure of waD had happened so he ask me to go hospital to see specialist. soo ytd ytd i went to ttsh to see the specialist told me alot of super chim words.. i cant understand.. damn it.. but i understand 1 part of wad he said.
he told me that i nid to go for operation soon *blah blah blah* if not i will lose my vision, than if the operation success i regain my vision and i dun need wear spect ever!!! ( thats the only good news he told me .__. )ok now here comes the bad news if the operation fail.. i either will become a *1 eyed pirate* or he can have to close my other eye to prevent the disease which i dun understand wad it is somemore..
haha well.. sometimes i do blame myself why this happen to me ? anyway life is full of up and down. so look on the positive side if u can so why wan look on the negative side of life and make urself miserable ?
well i hope doc can regain my vision T__T cause he said chances of success is low. SUCKS man.
there is afew ppl whom i always wanted to give them a BIG BIG BIG treat. they are :
Number One : Bro Eden
Number Two : LengLui Qinyi(sister)
Number Three : Bro Donovan
Number Four : LengZai Triniton(4ef)
Number Five : LengZai Raymond (4ef)
Number Six : Lloyd *Si Bak Gao*
Number Seven : LengLui Vivian
Number Eight : my NTUC friends
Number Nine : my ITE Best of friends
haha mostly thats all bah... as for Number Ten i dunno have anot.. hahaha..
i wan to thank these ppl for being my best friends and gave me advice on most of the things that i had trouble with.. esp qinyi and eden. u guys have been there of me while im feeling down. i love u two ^^V
if my memories have been washed away, i would rather wan qinyi and eden to stay in my memories and remb them. (:
Next Life i wan qinyi to be my real sis and eden to be my real bro.. *__* jkjk
alright i update til here bah..
- GeNesis -
1/23/2010 08:00:00 AM